Backyard Fun With Friends

Yesterday was the first day that has really felt like Summer to me.  It was 93 degrees when I got off work, and it just seemed like a backyard grilling session to break in our new grill was in order.  When my boyfriend and I decided to move out of the house with our roommates and best friends about a year and a half ago, it was bitter sweet.  We were so excited to be on our own and start the next stage of our lives together, but we were a little sad to not see our friends everyday anymore.  So when they started looking for a new place a few months ago, we suggested our apartment complex, and they loved it!  It was a win-win for us because we got our friends right next door and a $200 referral check!

Happiness is BBQ Friends and Backyard poster print in blues, greens, and gold-yellows with diagonal lines / modern print / summer print

Last night they were able to join us and we had a blast grilling burgers on our new grill, drinking Corona Extra with lime, and playing Kam Jam!  For those of you who have never played Kan Jam before, you need to.  It was the best $40 we have ever spent on an outdoor lawn game.  You take turns throwing a frisbee at a kan and try to make it go inside or hit the kan.  We first played it when we went camping a few years ago and a father and son asked my boyfriend’s family to join in.  Needless to say, we had so much fun, we went straight home and bought our own set right away!

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That’s an action shot from last night, notice the sky turning pink!  We had so much fun and were able to play a few games until it got dark.  It was a little windy, which made for some funny looking frisbee wobbling across the lawn.  We are very lucky to have some of our best friends live so close to us that they can join in on a last minute Kan Jam/Grilling party.  I am looking forward to many more of those throughout the Summer!  Thanks friends for helping me reclaim my happy yesterday!

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