American Happy


O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave!

I’m proud to be an American, but sometimes with all of the political drama that unfolds in DC, it’s hard to remember.  This week I chose to remember why I am proud to be an American, and I had lots of fun doing it.

First off all FREEDOM.  We live in the Land of the Free.  I am lucky this week that I had the freedom to be off work, go out to Baltimore to watch the US Men’s World Cup game against Belgium, and then immediately head to Camden Yards for the O’s game!  The World Cup game was incredible and I think Belgium is lucky that they didn’t have to face Tim Howard in penalty kicks.  What a beast!  Someone posted a funny message from an Englishman to the American soccer team about how well they did this World Cup.  I hope Americans stay interested in soccer like this man suggests!  Lupey even got into the World Cup with my old soccer ball that he found at my parents house.

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My boyfriend’s Dad was able to get his company seats for the same day as the US World Cup game, so we jumped at the chance to sit 4th Row, right behind the visitor’s dugout!  My boyfriend and I were able to go with his brother and his girlfriend and had so much fun.  Here is a picture of us in the seats that we sent his Dad as a thank you.
photo (8)Fun Fact– the National Anthem is from a poem written in BALTIMORE during the War of 1812 by Francis Scott Key.  If you are a Baltimore Orioles fan, you yell “O” loudly at the “O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave” part of the song.  The Star Spangled Banner also reminds us that America is the home of the BRAVE!  Next week, I am working on being brave and doing something to make me happy, but more on that later- if it works out.  I am lucky to be an American and live in this beautiful country.  I am going to try to remember this more during other times of the year, because our Freedom rocks and I was happy to reclaim that feeling this week.

Boh’s and O’s and Friends

Way back in March, my friends and I were all trying to go to the Oriole’s Opening Day game, but tickets were looking too expensive.  Then by some miracle we were able to buy a 3 game pack of tickets that included standing room only on Opening Day, all for the price of Opening Day’s tickets alone.  We obviously jumped at that opportunity and had a blast partying before and during that game!

Opening Day

That was us on Opening Day back in March.  Yesterday was the second game in our 3 game pack, and we had just as much fun.  We took the Lightrail into the city, hopped off at Camden Yards, and walked straight to The Bullpen.  The slogan at The Bullpen is CHEAP ASS BEER.  Seriously, they have posters with the phrase hand written on them framed inside with  “Employee of the Year” on it!  After grabbing a few cheap beers, we headed across the street, and into Camden Yards, one of the most beautiful ball parks in the country IMHO.

The game was great.  The O’s were losing by one in the bottom of the 9th, the crowd was on their feet, 2 men on base, and here comes Chris Davis to the plate.  We were in the outfield and all of us watched as the ball he hit traveled toward us and into the stands for a walk-off home run to win the game!  The crowd erupted, and so did we!  It was such an incredibly happy feeling and I am grateful to have shared it with some of my best friends, and a stadium full of people.  Thanks Chris Davis for helping me reclaim my happy!

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